The companies that pay “good salary” and the executives that are paid “high salary” have always been number 1 among the most discussed subjects in business world. Tom Peters, among the most important executive gurus in the world points some interesting subjects about this topic in his best seller book” Re-Create Your Job”.

Peters says “High salary is not sufficent for getting the most talented employees”. According to him the most important thing in getting the most talented employees is “opportunity”. In other words, supporting an environment to workers for exposing their capacities is more important than paying high salaries.

On the other hand, he is going slightly mad when heards about bosses that complain high level of turnover after paying low level of compensation.

I appreciate Peters for this kind of expression. However, good salary always mean opportunity in Turkey. In my opinion, better compensation means more hardworking and it is equal to high opportunites for going higher steps.

HR experts always prefers employees who want high salary to employees who want low salary. And think about it once. These two kinds of employees cover the same ground šŸ˜‰